The Corporate Governance Policy is the apex level instrument guiding conduct of the affairs of the Company and clearly delineates the roles, responsibilities and authorities of the key entities in the governance structure of the Company. This Code forms an integral part of the Company’s Governance Policy. The directors, senior management and employees must adhere to the Corporate Governance Policy of the Company.
In dealing with each other, directors, senior management and employees shall uphold the values which are at the core of our HR Philosophy – trust, teamwork, mutuality and collaboration, meritocracy, objectivity, self-respect and human dignity. Indeed, these values form the basis of our HR management systems and processes. Bisdelhiwill focus on meritocracy, equity and upholding of Company values in all people processes including performance management systems, appraisals, remuneration and rewards.
As a good corporate citizen, Bisdelhiis committed to a gender friendly workplace. It seeks to enhance equal opportunities for men and women, prevent/stop/redress sexual harassment at the workplace and institute good employment practices. An Internal Complaints Committee has been constituted to enquire into complaints and to recommend appropriate action, wherever required.
It is the Company’s policy to comply fully with all applicable laws and regulations. Ensuring legal and regulatory compliance is the responsibility of the Chief Executives of the Businesses and the Divisional Management Committees. The Company cannot accept practices which are unlawful or may be damaging to its reputation.
The Company attaches great importance to a healthy and safe work environment. Bisdelhiis committed to provide good physical working conditions and encourages high standards of hygiene and housekeeping.
All directors, senior management and employees must avoid situations in which their personal interest could conflict with the interest of the Company. This is an area in which it is impossible to provide comprehensive guidance but the guiding principle is that conflict, if any, or potential conflict must be disclosed to higher management for guidance and action as appropriate.
All directors, senior management and employees shall ensure that their actions in the conduct of business are totally transparent except where the needs of business security dictate otherwise. It shall be necessary to voluntarily ensure that areas of operation are open to audit and the conduct of activities is totally auditable.
No director, senior management and employee shall disclose or use any confidential information gained in the course of employment/ association with the Company for personal gain or for the advantage of any other person. No information either formally or informally shall be provided to the press, other publicity media or any other external agency except within approved policies.
No director, senior management and employee shall misuse Company facilities. In the use of Company facilities, care shall be exercised to ensure that costs are reasonable and there is no wastage.
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